First Lego League Team – AIS

The Students

(From Left to Right) Andrei, Niharika, Shravan, Plaksha, Sadhvi, Riya, Dhruv

We are a team of seven students in their 8th / 9th grades from Asker International School (AIS). This is the first time that AIS has has participated in the First Lego League Challenge. Being 13/14-year-olds, they’ve had a spectacular journey so far.

Meet the Coaches

We are first time coaches to the First Lego League Challenge and got involved as our kids were the right age for this. This has been an equally (if not more) spectacular learning journey for us as coaches, as for the kids.

Anuradha Sridharan

Founder / CEO YoungCoderz
Test / Release Manager, Telia

Shubham Bhattacharya

Chief Product Officer
Favrit AS

Ayyanar Marimuthu

Systems Architect
Tribia AS


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